Learn the way to play Texas Hold’em

Texas Hold’em is a popular variation of poker, which is played in various tournaments and also in casinos and online. Keluaran hk is one such website where players can find these games. The game is simple to learn but mastering it is very difficult. In this article, we will discuss various aspects of the game.


The main aim of the players is to make the best hands of five cards. The dealer deals two cards to each player with face down. These cards are known as hole cards. In each round, community cards are dealt with face up and players have to take any one of the five actions, which include call, bet, raise, check, and fold. There are three stages in which community cards are dealt. The first stage is called flop in which three cards are dealt with.

Next comes the turn in which one community card is dealt with. After the completion of the betting round, one more card is dealt with. This is the final card and the round is called the river. Players can make a five-card hand by using two hole cards and five community cards. If only one player remains at the end of the game, he becomes the winner and there is no need to show the cards.

The dealer button

Players get their turn in a clockwise direction in every betting round. The action is stated by the player who is sitting to the left of the dealer button. The button is in the form of a large disk, which is placed in front of a player. It is also moved in a clockwise direction.

The first two players sitting to the left of the dealer button have to make small and large blinds. The small blind is made by the person who is sitting to the immediate left of the dealer button and the next player sitting to the left of the small blind makes big blind. After the declaration of the blinds, betting rounds start.

Pre-flop the first betting round

After the declaration of the blind, the dealer deals two hole cards with face down. The player sitting to the left of the big blind has taken any one of the five actions which include

  • Check
  • Call
  • Raise
  • Fold
  • Bet

A player can raise the bet according to the type of game he is playing. In a no-limit game, there is no limit to the raise but in other games, raise amount is fixed and players have to rise accordingly.

Flop the second betting round

In this round, three community cards are dealt with face up. The players who have not folded their cards in the first round can take any of the five actions in this round. Here the player sitting to the left of the dealer starts taking action. After that, the game goes on in a clockwise direction.

Turn the third betting round

In this round, one community card is dealt and the rest of the things are the same as in the second betting round.

River the final betting round

In this round, fifth and final community card is dealt and the rest of the actions is the same as the second and third round.

The showdown

After the completion of the last round, players have to show their cards and the one who has the hand of high rank wins the pot.

Wrapping Up

These are the rules of playing Texas Hold’em. People need to be familiar with these rules so that they can play a game like keluaran hk easily.

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